With Patient Portal, you can provide patients with online access to their clinical information, including lab test results, medical alerts/problems, medications/prescriptions, and allergies. You can import a file with clinical information that you have obtained from another healthcare professional. Also, you can export a file with clinical information that you can share with another healthcare professional.
The Patient Portal features of Dentrix Enterprise are available as an add-on. To get this add-on, you must purchase a license for the providers whose patients will use Updox (Updox is the third-party provider of the Patient Portal service).
Before you attempt any setup and configuration of Updox, you must meet the following pre-requisites:
Purchase Updox licenses:
Call your Sales Manager.
Call the Sales department at 866.624.4095.
Each primary provider who will use Updox requires a license.
Each license can have up to 10 sub-users (secondary providers and/or staff members).
A secondary provider or staff member who will use Updox but cannot be counted as a sub-user on any license (because the maximum number of sub-users per license has been met for all licenses in use) requires a license. The license that belongs to that secondary provider or staff member can have up to 10 additional sub-users.
So, if for example, you have 4 providers, 20 secondary providers and 21 staff members (41 sub-users), you will need 5 licenses (4 licenses for the 4 providers, each with 10 sub-users, and 1 license for the 1 remaining sub-user).
Install Dentrix Enterprise 7.0 or later.
* Make sure these requirements are met before a trainer starts the training with your office.
To learn about setting up and using Patient Portal, click any of the following links:
Linking providers and staff to Updox
Individual patient:
Setting up a patient's portal account
Importing patient health information
Unlinking patient health information
Exporting patient health information
Uploading patient health information
Viewing information for a patient's portal account
Inactivating a patient's portal account
Secure messages and your inbox:
Sending a message to a patient's portal
File Exchange:
Exporting patient data with File Exchange
Scheduling the export of patient data with File Exchange
Managing scheduled export jobs